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  • pasillalej

Solar Eclipse

It's been the talk of the town. A solar eclipse is coming to Dallas, TX. Cosmic Tours, based in Dallas, is excited to be partnering with Viewfinder coffee for the day of the eclipse. The idea behind having a partner is to provide those attending an opportunity to not only star gaze but also to explore Viewfinder's coffee at its core with lattes! The event is set to be the longest totality in over a decade with totally lasting 3 minutes and 52 seconds in Dallas starting at 1:40 pm CDT.

We've prepared a few things for those attending such as solar glasses, solar filters for our telescopes, and binocular fitted with hand built filters. We are providing lawn chairs and tables filled with snacks, drinks, and music!

Every month as the moon phases through a New Moon it passes between the Earth and the Sun. The tilt of the moon's orbit takes it above or below the Sun's disk so it misses eclipsing the sun, however at least twice a year the moon intercepts the Sun and we get a solar eclipse. This can be a partial eclipse or annular. If the moon is at its furthest part of it elliptical orbit then the sun is reduced to a ring of light. When the moon is closer and totally covers the bright disk of the sun, a shadow of about 150 miles wide covers the earth and sweeps across the planet. We will be fortunate enough to experience totality and won't again till 2044.

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